Beto O’Rourke fighting evil of gun culture
The fight against evil: Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke has taken an unusually strong stand on gun control. In particular, he is a staunch advocate for banning the availability and use of military style assault weapons such as AR 15 and AK 47 by civilian gun owners. His advocacy has rippled across the nation. Even liberals were surprised at his position having had themselves a history of being somewhat wishy washy about gun control reform.
Dirty Pedophile Money’s Place in the Ivy Halls of MIT
Why is this evil? Knowingly accepting and subsequently covering up financial contributions from a convicted pedophile in the name of academic innovation and progress is reprehensible and disgraceful.
Trump Claims ‘Very Bad People’ in Bahamas
Why is this evil? President Donald Trump on Monday, Sept. 9th urged caution in admitting Bahamian residents into the United States, claiming
America’s Ugly Hypocrisy on Immigration
Why is this evil? On the sacred day of 9/11, the Supreme Court of the United States slams the door shut on refugees seeking asylum in the United States of America.
Socialism, Socialism, Socialism – The Republicans’ Big Bad Boogeyman
Why is this evil? The Republican Party’s distorted and aggressive misinformation campaign against the political concept of socialism to promote fear, loathing, and distrust among the American people.
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh…Not Another Accusation…!
Why is this evil? A candidate for the Supreme Court of the United States lied and politized his testimony to secure a seat on the Supreme Court.
This was accomplished with the blessing, knowledge, and approval of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The members of the Republican controlled Senate Judiciary Committee knew he lied and approved his nomination anyway.
Do not… meaning your should not engage, deal with, or work for.
Compromise is the act of surrendering core values or beliefs in order to achieve a perceived solution.
We define evil as a deliberate harmful action.
Evil is not an opposing viewpoint or ideology.
Evil is not an individual person, organization, business, or government entity.
However, evil is the premeditated, harmful action done by an individual person, organization, business, or government entity.
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