Traditional Media, Social Media, and We The People
Why is This Evil? The purposeful political manipulation of mass media to cover up an act of evil on behalf of an entity and/or for financial gain.
Standing up for gun control
DCEvil Fight against evil: Common sense gun control laws are a simple and effective way to help control gun violence. And the best way to implement these ideas is to organize and lobby your elected state and federal representatives. Editor's Point: In the U.S., it is...
Stacy Abrams Kingmaker standing up for our democracy
Stacy Abrams’ new get out the vote organization, Fairfight, is taking the lead in the 20/20 campaign to help gaurentee’s everyone’s right to vote.
Congress is the true failing of our democracy.
Why is this evil? The Congressional Members of the Democratic Party are shirking one of their primary constitutional responsibilities – oversight (checks and balances) of the Executive Branch.
Beto O’Rourke fighting evil of gun culture
The fight against evil: Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke has taken an unusually strong stand on gun control. In particular, he is a staunch advocate for banning the availability and use of military style assault weapons such as AR 15 and AK 47 by civilian gun owners. His advocacy has rippled across the nation. Even liberals were surprised at his position having had themselves a history of being somewhat wishy washy about gun control reform.
Dirty Pedophile Money’s Place in the Ivy Halls of MIT
Why is this evil? Knowingly accepting and subsequently covering up financial contributions from a convicted pedophile in the name of academic innovation and progress is reprehensible and disgraceful.
Do not… meaning your should not engage, deal with, or work for.
Compromise is the act of surrendering core values or beliefs in order to achieve a perceived solution.
We define evil as a deliberate harmful action.
Evil is not an opposing viewpoint or ideology.
Evil is not an individual person, organization, business, or government entity.
However, evil is the premeditated, harmful action done by an individual person, organization, business, or government entity.
Stories you should know