DCEvil 3 Is Voting in America a Right or a Privilege Why is this evil? Voter ID laws in states that use discriminatory practices to eliminate eligible voters. Editor’s Viewpoint: Across the country, active efforts to eliminate eligible voters from the...
DCEvil 3 Guess Who Joined the Predatory Lending Community…Apple Apple recently decided to provide 2.5 billion dollars to help fight the housing crisis in California. Why is this evil? A large corporation manipulating a social crisis as a self serving PR...
DCEvil 3 Traditional Media, Social Media, and We The People Why is this evil? The purposeful political manipulation of mass media to cover up an act of evil on behalf of an entity and/or for financial gain. Our failure, as a nation, to recognize the severity of...
DCEvil 3 Congress is the true failing of our democracy. Why is this evil? The Congressional Members of the Democratic Party are shirking one of their primary constitutional responsibilities – oversight (checks and balances) of the Executive Branch. So,...
DCEvil 3 Dirty Pedophile Money’s Place in the Ivy Halls of MIT Why is this evil? Knowingly accepting and subsequently covering up financial contributions from a convicted pedophile in the name of academic innovation and progress is reprehensible and disgraceful....
DCEvil 3 The Legacy of Purdue Pharma, The Sackler Family, and Opioids Why is this evil? Purdue Pharma recently filed for Chapter 11 corporate bankruptcy, an act which can absolve a company of its debts. In doing so, this can have a negative impact on the pending...