DCEvil 3 Is Voting in America a Right or a Privilege Why is this evil? Voter ID laws in states that use discriminatory practices to eliminate eligible voters. Editor’s Viewpoint: Across the country, active efforts to eliminate eligible voters from the...
DCEvil 3 Standing up for gun control Fight against evil: Common sense gun control laws are a simple and effective way to help control gun violence. And the best way to implement these ideas is to organize and lobby your elected state and federal representatives. ...
DCEvil 3 Stacy Abrams Kingmaker standing up for our democracy Fight against Evil: Stacy Abrams’ new get out the vote organization, Fairfight, is taking the lead in the 20/20 campaign to help guarantee’s everyone’s right to vote....
DCEvil 3 Beto O’Rourke fighting evil of gun culture Why is this evil? Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke has taken an unusually strong stand on gun control. In particular, he is a staunch advocate for banning the availability and use of...
DCEvil 3 Socialism, Socialism, Socialism – The Republicans’ Big Bad Boogeyman Why is this evil? The Republican Party’s distorted and aggressive misinformation campaign against the political concept of socialism to promote fear, loathing, and distrust among the...