DCEvil 3 Politics Why is this evil? Voter ID laws in states that use discriminatory practices to eliminate eligible voters. Editor’s Viewpoint: Across the country, active efforts to eliminate eligible voters from the voting rolls are in high gear....
DCEvil 3 Blog Apple recently decided to provide 2.5 billion dollars to help fight the housing crisis in California. Why is this evil? A large corporation manipulating a social crisis as a self serving PR stunt to enhance their public image by covering up the fact...
DCEvil 3 Politics Why is this evil? The purposeful political manipulation of mass media to cover up an act of evil on behalf of an entity and/or for financial gain. Our failure, as a nation, to recognize the severity of media manipulation for political gains...
DCEvil 3 Politics Fight against evil: Common sense gun control laws are a simple and effective way to help control gun violence. And the best way to implement these ideas is to organize and lobby your elected state and federal representatives. Editor’s...
DCEvil 3 Politics Fight against Evil: Stacy Abrams’ new get out the vote organization, Fairfight, is taking the lead in the 20/20 campaign to help guarantee’s everyone’s right to vote. https://fairfight.com/ WHY WE FIGHT One of the keys...
DCEvil 3 Politics Why is this evil? The Congressional Members of the Democratic Party are shirking one of their primary constitutional responsibilities – oversight (checks and balances) of the Executive Branch. So, instead of acting like a co-equal branch...