Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh…Not Another Accusation…!
Evidence is stacking up that Associate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh did not receive the customary full and complete pre-screening background investigation by the F.B.I. supposedly required by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Why is this evil?
A candidate for the Supreme Court of the United States lied and politized his testimony to secure a seat on the Supreme Court.
This was accomplished with the blessing, knowledge, and approval of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The members of the Republican controlled Senate Judiciary Committee knew he lied and approved his nomination anyway.
Editor’s Viewpoint:
Another New York Time’s report is hitting the national headlines about Associate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and his alleged promiscuous shenanigans as a Yale college student
You may be able to excuse his alleged high school behavior, but can you really excuse his Yale college student performance as well?
What’s totally disconcerting about this whole mess is that the imprint of the old boys’ network is all over this travesty.
Once again it appears that they (the old boys) have successfully manipulated the wheels of government, and in this case, the “honorable, impartial” Supreme Court of the United States, solely for political gain. The “MeToo” movement be damned!
So what else is new in Trump’s Making America Great Again! Old habits die hard, but they do die!
If there is any truth, whatsoever, to the story, then Associate Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh ‘s testimony and his expressed political “outrage” during his confirmation hearings definitely deserves Academy Award consideration.
And pick your category: best actor, best supporting actor, best screenplay, and so on.
Hey, this is not the only scandal in the history of the Supreme Court and most likely it won’t be the last.
So don’t waste too much time being disillusioned…just be aware that the wheels of change grind slowly, but they do move forward.
And we, as citizens, have to remain vigilant and hold these scoundrels accountable every single time and show it, particularly, at the ballot box.
Views from every side
(ABC News) A slew of prominent Democrats called on Congress to impeach Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh after allegations of sexual misconduct that had once threatened to torpedo his nomination to the bench resurfaced, even as President Donald Trump continued to defend him.
(USA Today) President Donald Trump again defended Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on Monday, assailing a news report over the weekend that prompted calls for a renewed investigation and even impeachment of the jurist.
President Trump said Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh should sue or get backing from the Department of Justice, after a New York Times piece claimed that new accounts support one claim of alleged sexual misconduct from when Kavanaugh was in college.
Stories you should know
Do not… meaning your should not engage, deal with, or work for.
Compromise is the act of surrendering core values or beliefs in order to achieve a perceived solution.
We define evil as a deliberate harmful action.
Evil is not an opposing viewpoint or ideology.
Evil is not an individual person, organization, business, or government entity.
However, evil is the premeditated, harmful action done by an individual person, organization, business, or government entity.