Dirty Pedophile Money’s Place in the Ivy Halls of MIT

by | Sep 19, 2019 | Education, latest acts of evil, Politics, Society

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Dirty Pedophile Money’s Place in the Ivy Halls of MIT

Sep 19, 2019 | Education, latest acts of evil, Politics, Society

Why is this evil?

Knowingly accepting and subsequently covering up financial contributions from a convicted pedophile in the name of academic innovation and progress is reprehensible and disgraceful.

Editor’s Viewpoint:

One of this country’s most prestigious academic institutions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), evidently succumbed to the archaic principle that even tainted money can “benefit” the public good.

Recent reporting revealed that convicted pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, was a major financial benefactor to MIT’s world renown Media Lab before and after his pedophile conviction.

What’s unfortunate is the cover-up activities MIT pursued to hide and disguise its evidently robust, on-going financial and consultative relationship it had with Jeffrey Epstein.

The president at MIT has apologized to the community and launched an investigation into the Media Lab’s funding development practices.  

Somehow, this self-investigation will not absolve the Epstein stained, premeditated, collaborative fund raising practices that MIT decided to pursue in their myopic quest for innovative programming.  

MIT self-reflection – Was selling your soul and institutional values worth this reputationally tragic outcome?

Views from every side


(The Washington Post) There’s a storm brewing in Cambridge, Mass., over substantial donations from the felon Jeffrey Epstein, who died in a jail cell last month as he faced federal charges for sex trafficking of minors in Florida and New York.

(NPR) There’s new reporting today about the relationship of Jeffrey Epstein to one of the venerable institutions to which he gave money. New documents show the MIT Media Lab accepted funds from the convicted sex offender far exceeding amounts the university had previously admitted.

(Fox News) Two researchers are cutting ties with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab in the wake of revelations that the prestigious technology research hub accepted at least $200,000 from convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.


Do not… meaning your should not engage, deal with, or work for.


Compromise is the act of surrendering core values or beliefs in order to achieve a perceived solution.


We define evil as a deliberate harmful action.

Evil is not an opposing viewpoint or ideology.

Evil is not an individual person, organization, business, or government entity.

However, evil is the premeditated, harmful action done by an individual person, organization, business, or government entity.

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